Dror Galil is the first school of its kind in Israel, which gives students an opportunity to create within the technological and human space, face great social challenges, and change the world.
Scope of work: logo, brand identity, and campaign

How to design a home that can be
downloaded from the internet and
produced cheaply in 10 days?

How to keep tomatoes from weather
damage in Israel with the help
of drones and 3D printers?

How to solve water problems in Israel
With grooves in the ground and
advanced sensors?

How to use AI technologies for regulation of traffic
lights and for reduce of road accidents and
traffic jams?

From what materials should we construct buildings
so that they would be adapted to their environment,
while being cheap and durable?

What can be done with $250 to improve
the lives of Syrian refugees In the refugee
camps in Turkey?

How to protect agricultural produce at
the Haifa Bay area from the groundwater
polluted by the refineries?

How a city in the Galilee should look like
in 2035?